Saturday, September 12, 2009


Main Considerations in Male Yeast Infection
During recent time one problem that we are coming across is male yeast infection. Yeast infection which was originally found in women is now spreading in men also. Male yeast infection is same as that of yeast infection in females. The main symptoms that are widely seen are rashes on penis area, itching and tenderness on the infected area, release of white cheesy liquid, burning, irritation and redness on the penis. There are some cases where none of these symptoms are seen but it can be more dangerous because you get to know about it when conditions become severe.
Protein is the main natural thing that can be helpful in preventing male yeast infection. As proteins re available in food grains like rice, pulses etc and also in flesh of animal, so it is easy for both vegetarian and non vegetarian person to include it in his diet. Alcohol which can give arise to infection must also be avoided if you want to cure this infection. There are some more things that are needed to be considered with balanced diet, that are pills, lotions prescribed by doctor and the home made products that can be effective in getting rid of it.


Basis of Male Yeast Infection Spread
It was a mistaken belief that only women are infected by yeast. Male yeast infection is also spreading rapidly. There are several reasons behind the spread of this infection. The main reason which is mainly considered is if female is infected by yeast infection then can be transmitted to male during the time of intercourse. Some precautions must be taken so that transmission of yeast infection is avoided from one person to other during sex. Deficient in sanitation and cleanliness can also give rise to yeast infection from spreading. As males are generally very unhygienic this can also the reason behind the growth of infection in men.
Excessive use of condoms that are layered or oiled by nonoxynol-9 can also be responsible for this problem in males. Male yeast infection is also due to increase in sugar level which is common among people suffering from diabetes. Things with high sugar level must be avoided. Use of antibiotics is also one of the reasons; these antibiotics kill bacteria but help in reproduction of fungus. Excessive intake of alcohol especially beer and smoking can enhance the problem. Soaps and damp cloths are the main cause behind the origin of this problem especially the soaps that contain lubricants.